ARTSPLACE is committed to promoting creativity, learning, and growth in the careers of artists, and to inspiring passion and appreciation for arts and culture in the community.
ARTSPLACE advocates accessibility to high-quality contemporary arts and culture for artists, the community and wider audiences throughout the Annapolis Region and Canada.
ARTSPLACE provides diverse exhibition opportunities within its four exhibition spaces.
ARTSPLACE supports the creative freedom of artists by providing an open framework in which to experiment and test out new approaches to artistic practices.
ARTSPLACE’s open, multi-disciplinary approach to programming allows for new ideas, perspectives and forms in art and culture to emerge and cross-pollinate, prompting the criticism and generation of knowledge through discourse and debate around parallels and differences in contemporary practices.
ARTSPLACE provides a space for local residents to express creativity and as a welcoming centre for community engagement, exploration and enjoyment of contemporary art and cultural events.
ARTSPLACE welcomes contemporary art in all media, including drawing, painting, photography, sculpture, installation, performance, participatory, video and new media.
ARTSPLACE has five distinct exhibition spaces:
- Main Gallery
- Chapel Gallery
- Library Gallery
Call to Artists OpenSpace Outdoor Installations 2022
Deadline extended to June 22, 2022
ARTSPLACE is inviting applications from Atlantic Canadian artists, to exhibit / create work in the gallery grounds between July - October, 2022.
Depending on the selections, artists will show for one to two months.
Deadline May 31, 2022
Artists notified June 9, 2022
Eligibility of artists: Guidelines for submission: Selection will be through a jury process. Selected artists will receive a fee of $500 ($425 artist fee, $75 general expenses). If artists apply as a pair or collective, the $500 fee will be divided between the number of artists. *Please note that there are no additional fees towards travel and accommodation - we can, however, assist in sourcing affordable accommodation if needed.
Artists will be encouraged to document with photos, video, or live-stream elements of the installation process for ARTSPLACE and their own social media.
Notes: Installations should have any site-related issues such as durability already worked out.
2. How do you see your installation impacting ARTSPLACE and the local community? (up to 250 words)
3. Describe your installation including the materials? (inc. safe, durable materials, low maintenance, able to withstand rain, sun, wind and animal interactions for 1 - 2 month/s duration - up to 250 words)
4. Describe how you envision your installation being physically on the site, include diagrams/sketches or photos of previous installation on site, include site sketches / diagrams (up to 250 words)
5. Are there any special physical requirements or conditions needed for your installation?
6. Artist Bio (up to 100 words)
7. Artist Statement (up to 250 words)
8. CV
9. Include up to 4 clear images of your piece/s or sufficient sketches if not yet completed, with image list
Depending on the selections, artists will show for one to two months.
Deadline May 31, 2022
Artists notified June 9, 2022
Eligibility of artists: Guidelines for submission: Selection will be through a jury process. Selected artists will receive a fee of $500 ($425 artist fee, $75 general expenses). If artists apply as a pair or collective, the $500 fee will be divided between the number of artists. *Please note that there are no additional fees towards travel and accommodation - we can, however, assist in sourcing affordable accommodation if needed.
Artists will be encouraged to document with photos, video, or live-stream elements of the installation process for ARTSPLACE and their own social media.
Notes: Installations should have any site-related issues such as durability already worked out.
- Open to residents of Atlantic Canada;
- Meet the criteria of the Canada Council for Professional Artist in the visual arts
- Work should not be physically interactive;
- Work should not require maintenance by staff or require power to function;
- Artists can apply with free-standing pieces, but are encouraged to explore site-specific work;
- Work should be able to be installed/struck in one day by the artist. ARTSPLACE staff or volunteers may not be available to assist with installation or removal, the building may not be accessible during install.
- Name
- Website
- Mailing Address
- Phone Number
2. How do you see your installation impacting ARTSPLACE and the local community? (up to 250 words)
3. Describe your installation including the materials? (inc. safe, durable materials, low maintenance, able to withstand rain, sun, wind and animal interactions for 1 - 2 month/s duration - up to 250 words)
4. Describe how you envision your installation being physically on the site, include diagrams/sketches or photos of previous installation on site, include site sketches / diagrams (up to 250 words)
5. Are there any special physical requirements or conditions needed for your installation?
6. Artist Bio (up to 100 words)
7. Artist Statement (up to 250 words)
8. CV
9. Include up to 4 clear images of your piece/s or sufficient sketches if not yet completed, with image list
Call for Exhibitions & Projects for the 2023/24 Season
Deadline, June 15, 2022
ARTSPLACE is inviting applications from professional visual Artists* for the 2023/24 season. Use the submission form link above, or email (details below).
We are seeking proposals from individual artists, collectives, or curators. ARTSPLACE supports a variety of artistic practices within contemporary visual arts. As a community arts organisation in a rural area, we are particularly interested in proposals that offer opportunities to connect the exhibitions/projects with the public.
We invite artists to combine a residency with their project/exhibition - residencies are unpaid (we do give financial assistance towards general expenses, and help with sourcing affordable accommodation), artists are encouraged to apply for additional funding to support residencies. This program is generously supported through the Canada Council for the Arts and the Province of Nova Scotia.
Deadline June 15, 2022
Artists notified by July 30, 2022
Guidelines for submission:
ARTSPLACE has one accessible parking space, and the main gallery is wheelchair accessible as well as the washroom.
Selection will be through a jury process. Selected artists will receive a solo exhibition fee of based on current CARFAC recommended rates. A contribution towards general expenses, as well as additional fees for any workshops and/or talks. The Gallery will produce an accompanying brochure and poster/social media materials.
We are seeking proposals from individual artists, collectives, or curators. ARTSPLACE supports a variety of artistic practices within contemporary visual arts. As a community arts organisation in a rural area, we are particularly interested in proposals that offer opportunities to connect the exhibitions/projects with the public.
We invite artists to combine a residency with their project/exhibition - residencies are unpaid (we do give financial assistance towards general expenses, and help with sourcing affordable accommodation), artists are encouraged to apply for additional funding to support residencies. This program is generously supported through the Canada Council for the Arts and the Province of Nova Scotia.
Deadline June 15, 2022
Artists notified by July 30, 2022
Guidelines for submission:
- Please note - only one proposal per applicant.
- Concise and clear exhibition proposal and artist statement;
- Images can include audio/video samples (please edit appropriately for viewing) with your name and the corresponding number on the supplied image list (e.g. 01_SmithJ) - where possible provide installation shots;
- Copies of catalogue texts or reviews as well as links to any interviews or artist talks (if relevant).
ARTSPLACE has one accessible parking space, and the main gallery is wheelchair accessible as well as the washroom.
Selection will be through a jury process. Selected artists will receive a solo exhibition fee of based on current CARFAC recommended rates. A contribution towards general expenses, as well as additional fees for any workshops and/or talks. The Gallery will produce an accompanying brochure and poster/social media materials.
- Artist are to meet the criteria of the Canada Council for Professional Artist in the visual arts
- Name
- Instagram if relevant
- Website if relevant
- Mailing Address
- Phone Number
- Exhibition/project description (up to 500 words)
- How do you see your exhibition/project impacting ARTSPLACE and the local community? (up to 250 words)
- Describe your installation requirements (e.g. specialised equipment, physical needs - up to 250 words)
- Artist Statement (up to 250 words)
- Artist Bio (up to 100 words)
- CV
- Include up to 10 clear images, include installation shots if relevant
Gallery plan

ARTSPLACE Gallery space description:
Total floor area: 60m2
Linear hanging wall surface: approx. 25 m
Ceiling height: 3.04m
Total floor area: 60m2
Linear hanging wall surface: approx. 25 m
Ceiling height: 3.04m
For further information about the gallery, click HERE
Sophie Paskins, Gallery Director
396 St. George Street
P.O. Box 534 Annapolis Royal, NS
B0S 1A0
Telephone: 902 532 7069
Email: [email protected]
Sophie Paskins, Gallery Director
396 St. George Street
P.O. Box 534 Annapolis Royal, NS
B0S 1A0
Telephone: 902 532 7069
Email: [email protected]
Mym Members Gallery
Members of the organisation are eligible to exhibit in the 9'x9' Mym Gallery space at ARTSPLACE. To apply, just send an email expressing interest, including any times of the year you would be unable to participate. The Mym gallery schedule runs concurrently with core exhibition programs, openings are held on the first Sunday of the exhibition.